The Center for Gender and Refugee Studies' (CGRS) work on high impact cases has been strengthened by it collaboration with dedicated and skilled pro bono counsel. This year, they honored Simona Agnolucci for her commitment to refugees and women's human rights.
Beyond her work with CGRS, she has represented immigrants both in immigration court and before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2008, she secured asylum for a Central American refugee and her five daughters, who endured and eventually fled severe domestic and family violence. Ms. Agnolucci published a piece in the Daily Journal reflecting on her victory and encouraging the Obama administration to adopt regulations recognizing domestic violence as a basis for asylum, she wrote, "My client had the good fortune of winning her asylum case, but many women in her situation are not so lucky. Because the law in the area of domestic violence based asylum cases is in flux, immigration judges retain enormous discretion in deciding the future of immigrants who have survived domestic abuse. The law should not be so arbitrary. It should protect those women whose governments cannot, or will not, do so."
Simona Agnolucci specializes in complex litigation, including intellectual property matters, securities cases, and commercial disputes. She has represented major brokerage companies and investment advisors, as well as cutting-edge Internet and smartphone companies. Ms. Agnolucci has litigated cases before state and federal trial courts and has substantial experience in appellate matters across various substantive areas of the law. Ms. Agnolucci has an active pro bono practice, in which she primarily represents women fleeing gender-based persecution.