Many people enter law school with non-technical backgrounds - bachelor’s degrees in English, History, Political Science, or Philosophy -- and then find themselves litigating patent cases with complex technical issues. Join us for a panel discussion with three of the Bay Area’s top patent litigators, who will talk about how to practice patent law successfully without a technical background and how approaching patent law with a non-technical background can even be an asset.
Asim M. Bhansali, Keker & Van Nest
Neel Chatterjee, Orrick
Wesley E. Overson, Morrison & Foerster
Matan Shacham, Keker & Van Nest
MCLE Registration: 5:30-6:00 p.m.
Program: Time 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Keker & Van Nest
633 Battery Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
To register for the event, please visit the BASF website at this link.