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National Legal Malpractice Conference


On the third day of the ABA's conference, Mr. Peters and his fellow panelists will present:

Identification and Management of Cases Almost Certainly Destined for Trial

Try as you might to jumpstart settlement negotiations, you just cannot seem to engage opposing counsel in a productive discussion. An immovable plaintiff wants far more than the case is worth. The case seems destined for trial… why? There are telltale signs of professional liability cases that are more likely to go to trial, and knowing these will help you mold your case for trial success and manage expectations related to settlement negotiations and defense costs. Join this panel of highly experienced litigators as they reveal these signs and explore case management strategies that will best situate the impossible-to-resolve case for trial.

Moderator: Joseph P. McMonigle, Partner, Long & Levit LLP, San Francisco, CA
Thomas J. Brandi, Principal, The Brandi Law Firm, San Francisco, CA
Elliot R. Peters, Partner, Keker & Van Nest LLP, San Francisco, CA
Kenneth D. Small, Vice President–Senior Claims Counsel, ALAS, Inc., Chicago, IL